Thursday, November 28, 2013

Same of the same

Story story o...story
Once upon a time...time, time
There was an Alliance for Discrimination (AD). And there was and still is another like it. They call it People Deceiving People or Papa Deceive Pikin (PDP). Of course every Nigerian knows them. But then, there is always room for more. Now comes another like them. I call it the Alliance of the Politically Confused (APC). And each of them has its totem, one the umbrella, the other the broom. And all across the land people are asking, ‘Are these the ones to save us or are we to wait for another’? Are you asking me? If you ask me, na who I go ask? Me I only tell stories, I don’t break my head over umbrella or broom. Because all of them are same of the same. They are all weapons of mass looting to steal from our consolidated lootable (sorry, revenue) fund.

This day, November 16

This day, November 16
Birthday of Nnamdi Azikiwe
The Great Zik of Africa
Also his burial day
This day, November 16
Birthday of Chinua Achebe
Of Things Fall Apart
Anthills of the Savannah and
There was a country
This day is a reminder
Of Azikiwe and Achebe, great sons of Anambra
This day reminds of birth and burial
It could mean life and death
As Anambra goes to the poll
It comes down to what everyone does and how
The voters and the candidates
The parties and the umpire
Security forces and the observers
Journalists and the citizens
I hope everyone chooses life.

(Written on November 16, 2013).